Wednesday, December 5, 2012

For the safety of your child's teeth (a full file)

Home we will talk in total for leading troubles mouth and teeth which our children are exposedAt the forefront of exposure to a fracture in some teeth, and especially the front teeth as a result of a child's play continued and he to fall on the ground and this may occur before the age of school or nursery and then frequently during enrollment child with them, and the prevention of this comes through Note mother continuous movements child in order to preserve it, The same thing appears in some bad habits, which may exercise the child from door play or get a feel then affect the teeth, and mother could through follow-up to her protection from its effects, such as returning a child to put his fingers constantly in his mouth or put pen instead good deeds These usually lead to the injury of some prominence in his front teeth, which requires treatmentAs for some organic diseases that may affect the safety of the child's teeth, we find them suffering (Bhumaih nose) and performed in some of their situations to sleep without closing his mouth to difficulty breathing, which leads to distort the shape of teeth and need to CalendarUnlike all of this there is the case Note become the new generations of children dogging a child's birth PVC small, which leads to the emergence of regular dental Standing in front teeth, which are altered, and this needs to be a doctor helps the child get rid of the teeth are not hurt teeth New showing the mouth and in a manner commensurate with the nature of decoding a young childAs for tooth decay became happens for children at any age and as soon as the show teeth mouth and the child becomes able to eat and drink, they do not believe the mother that the child's two years old and above may be susceptible to decay as a result because the mother had become accustomed to leaving sleep and mouth Beruna milk until the morning, which leads to the deposition of milk on the outer surfaces of the teeth, causing cavities and, therefore, this habit can protect the child from its effects if the mother was keen to be a meal before sleeping child Balbroona any food ingredient other than milkBesides this, we find that the risk of decay increases more with children once they start their increasingly Nhmanm for sweets, especially candy nature rubber In contrast, we find them not care to wash their teeth, leading to decay mostlyMust be pointed out that keeps the mother's teeth baby from decay and attention by not just start at the beginning of the child's ability to wash his teeth, but start since the age of, at this stage, and before the child is able to use the toothbrush regular, the mother to ensure that addresses her a glass of water or Aamadamad mouth with water after eating any type of sweets directly, and can dispense with this capturing the the option because the water and option help in washing the teeth of any causes of decay, and when the child is four years that begin in Taouidh to use toothbrush small and this تحببه using toothpaste various local fruits, this type of putty to nothing from him for the child's teethIt should also be noted that pastes with bleaching powder is detrimental to any child's teeth, Fbodrh bleach Use only for adults and on a monthly basis, As بانسبة children She spends on dental plaqueThus permitted the child using normal human paste or sweetened fruit or even drive that chewed mouth are given a red color appears dental plaque to be cleaned with toothpaste onlyIt should be noted that the child complete health and growth replaces teeth on time even if they Msush was treated, as well as find that negligence cavities and untreated in time quickly and affect a child's health in general and lead to potential injury infections gums and other oral and dental diseasesAs for the calendar: the feeling mother needed her to hold a calendar in his jaw starts since reaching the age of eight years and until the age of ten years, in this period if the mother feels need teeth or jaw her to modify it must rush to a doctor mouth and teeth competent because Calendar at this stage early age much better than the next stages especially for girls, and who are the jaw calendar for them before the stage of the menstrual cycle a lot easier than laterNow Calendar is no longer a crisis and does not have any complications, but can be done at any time so does not affect the form of decoding child and how to pronounce words and breathing



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