Wednesday, December 19, 2012

How face a hazard

How face a hazardAhdhiri Ebola!
The solution is simple you follow these important things when buying vegetables and fruits to the discovery of the infected insects, fungi and bacteria, which does not appear clearly sometimesWe note that there are some worms green between papers lettuce or cabbage or watercress and other leafy vegetables and when rules and contact the head and this easy discovery, either Alabiola difficult to see where it's injuries Insecticides penetrate inside the paper in tunnels high but not on the surface, but can be detected scrutiny given it leave fine lines white on paper onlyHere we must get rid of the paper infected, or the exclusion of the entire fruit from the beginning, and the damage is limited to only eating infected papersThe cause of these symptoms earlier and advised generally بنزعها and get rid of the outer leaves of cabbage Lkhos and also for its proximity to the surface of the soil during planting and transmitted to him by these insectsThe solution is soaking vegetables in copious water added to vinegar for ten minutes they will kill the toxins and damage these fungi and insect toxins then rinsed with running waterAnd should not eat your vegetables Alzablh or which left a long time, whether inside or outside the refrigerator because they become ill innate Nkchwha emergence antiseptic or wife on the surface and here we must exclude all greens and not get rid of the infected only These fungi have a tremendous impact damage to the spread of toxins even on non-infected, includingWhen buying potatoes and potatoes should be excluded berries that black spending understanding as a result of plant and worm here can also get rid of the infected part and another part properly after it does not lead to the spread of impact, but in the only placeThe fruits, which appear brown spots must complete exclusion where consists bacterial toxins lead to vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal crampsIt is also important not to eat potatoes with green spots it is a toxic substance called Green solanine and cause intestinal disorders and symptoms earlier and also very harmful for KidsHere are advised not to eat green authorities in any restaurants because not rule out infected leaves as well as the uncertainty of washed with water and vinegar until not be serious injuries and spread a lot in the springAs for what caused the peach of symptoms shall be the result of pesticides that are sprayed to kill the worms fruit fly and leave Bweidadtha inside fruit hole does not see to grow inside and because peach shell and ground such as apricots is absorbed pesticide heavily concentrated at the cavity base and neck so you must wash soaking (with water and vinegar) Valkhal helps to defuse a pesticide chemically then rinse under running water profuseAnd in general should be excluded large-size fruits of fruits and vegetables and grapes Bannaty green because they contain a large proportion of the hormones, which leads addressed to cancers and kidney failure God forbid, so small and medium-sized Valhbat is better away from the danger


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